Thursday 6 March 2014

hello bloggers , hehe it's been two month I didn't open this blog haha seems like it's already have a spider web in it haha . btw how are you guyd doing ? :) I've been busy lately and my eyes sometimes has that panda eyes haha . It's for my own good I guess because the examinations is getting closer . adada
I hope I will get a good result for this Ujian I :) and lately I've been learning , as the sabahan say "mekap2" hehew . It's getting better I guess , thank God !
tadaa , how do I look ? haha
I try to do Big Gyaru Eyes and it's ended like this hehehew . well people say "practice makes perfect" right ?

School time :
I guess it's not very bad , sometimes I'm happy to be at school but sometimes my mood ruined by some peoples  with their own bullshit . When things not going right at school , my mood came to a moment that "fck it fck that you all bullshit"
I'm probably a girl that everyone in my class afraid to annoy because once I read my own storybooks and you trying to put some bullshit things around me . I will eat you ! muahahahaha  

I got a lot of friends at school . They are pretty good to me especially Jenny , Shasha and Nural . I got other friends too and they are also nice to me . Even though our conversations sometimes is a sarcastic version haha so if you doesn't know us I hope you will never get hurt by what we are going to say tho haha :)

Boyfriend ? :
Duh , I didn't have one lo . Last week I broke up with him because I didn't ready yet to have any relationship with a guy . Especially for a girl like me that my trust once has been broken by a guy name "C" Its hard for me tho , Well I hate him :) haha and an awesome feelings that I get when I see him in a relationship with a girl that uglier than me . hahahaha . okay stop it . I know it's rude but it's my diary so you can back off and this is my blog so I can write whatever I want . Sometimes I missed him hehehe I couldn't denied it . Well its kinda sad sometimes to think about the past . I hope he is doing fine and his realtionship with that girl will last forever :)

Homework :
Hell yeah , sometimes if I'm getting really tired I saw my homework like a volcano mount . The teachers at school are good and they are so kind .