Wednesday 27 November 2013

If the full moon loves you, why worry about the stars?

I used to build dreams about you.
that annoying moment when you close the wrong tab
Sometimes a person isn't actually shy. They're quiet because they refuse to associated with people they don't like.

normal people flirting: hey you're cute we should go out sometime (; me trying to flirt: so do you like bread

All I hear is bla. bla. blah. BLEH.

Dancing improves memory, concentration and alertness. Dancing regular also reduces heart disease risk.
If I treated you the way you treated me, you would hate me.

Dear youtube, I'm here to listen to music or watch a video. If I wanted to watch commercials, I'd turn on my TV.
Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. -Matthew 22:37


When a guy is proud to show off his girlfriend >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. -1 John 1:8
Christian? Yeah. Perfect? Nope. Forgiven? Yeah. Worthy? Nope. Accepted? Yeah. Deserving? Nope. Loved? Yeah.
Letting go isn't about giving up, it's about accepting there are things that just can't be.
Once, Picasso was asked what his paintings meant. He said, “Do you ever know what the birds are singing? You don’t. But you listen to them anyway.” So, sometimes with art, it is important just to look.

So many people don't know the difference between a crush, admiration and true love.

God has a plan much bigger than what you can imagine.
"I'm a grown woman. I can do whatever I want" - Beyonce ⊂_ヽ   \\ Λ_Λ    \( ˇωˇ)      > ⌒ヽ    /   へ\    /  / \\    レ ノ   ヽ_つ   / /   / /|
Dear stomach, you're bored, not hungry. So shut up.
I think about my future every day .
My mom = Annoying, dramatic, irritating, beautiful, loving, caring, strong, amazing, all in one but one thing is that, I love her so much.
I miss my old friends....
Mixed signals, that's that shit I don't like!
I want food .
Dear whoever is reading this, you are beautiful and perfect in every way. Smile, because you're too amazing to be so sad. Stay Strong.
Nah, I didn't "change"... I just realized some shit.
Being Single Has Its Ups & Downs

True story of me

You just focused on the bad stuff when all you had to do was, let go of the past and keep moving forward. –Lewis (Meet the Robinsons)
When I text someone and they don't text me back, I automatically assume that they fainted from the excitement.
"I wish nothing but the best for you two" - Adele
Don't use a song you like as an alarm to wake up. You'll end up hating it.
Ever said "I'm done" and went right back?

when someone u dont like sits next to u

Psychology says, sometimes you miss the way it felt, you miss the memories but not the actual person.

When my pet walks away from me

I hate being jealous when I know I shouldn't be.
You may not be perfect, but you don't need to be. You're the way God made you.
We aren't dating, but I'm afraid of someone new getting close to you..
Good people go through the most bullshit.
People so quick to judge someone else.
I've changed? No, I just grew up. I stopped letting people push me around, I learned that I can't always be happy, I accepted reality.
Realize what's real and what's not. Who's worth the effort and who's not.
Your faith is not to help you avoid problems but to go through problems with stability.
People will always tell you what you did wrong, but will hesitate to compliment you for what you did right.

Teachers Be Like...

I still like you, but I'm done chasing you.
Reasons why I stop replying: 1) I'm busy 2) You're boring 3) I'm mad 4) You replied with one word 5) I'm on twitter 6) I'm eating
Hear my prayer, God. Don't hide from my request. Pay attention to me and respond to me -Psalm 55:1-2
If he makes no effort, show him the door
Never give permanent feelings to a temporary person.
Don’t let negative comments change who you are.
Never give up on something you really want. It's difficult to wait, but it's more difficult to regret.
Don't always believe everything you hear, anyone can sell you a lie.
Sometimes the wrong choices, bring us to the right places.
When I date someone, I think long term. What's the point of dating someone if you only want them temporarily?
When the weirdest kid in school has a boyfriend/girlfriend and you realize you'll be forever alone.

me after every decision i make

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. -Romans 12:9
No regrets. Just lessons learned.
Its better to be single . wkwk
naa satu stu kazen yg sy rapat .
donat .

Monday 25 November 2013

my type of guy that I wish could be my partner in life 
and I want to add few more things 
- honest guy
-care for me
-loves children
-hard working guy
-smell good
-believes in Christ our saviour
-have a good job in life
-good thinker

Did a guy like this ever exist or its just exist in my dream ?

Tumblr stuff .

                                                       I would like to go to Paris and etc.

This song gives describe things that its hard for me to say .

Lirik Lagu/ Lyrics: Percayalah - Indah
Aku masih mampu
Meneruskan hidupku
Hanya karana janjimu
Yang tulus mencintaiku

Aku mencintaimu
Aku menyayangimu
Aku kan setia selalu selamanya

Percayalah.. percayalah
Walau di mana dirimu
Hatiku hanya untukmu

Percayalah.. percayalah..
Sejauh mana dirimu
Ku ingin kau tahu…
You're always in my heart..

Aku takkan sanggup
Bila tak bersamamu
Keran ku yakin dirimu
Tercipta hanya untukku

Aku mencintaimu
Aku menyayangimu
Aku kan setia selalu selamanya

Percayalah.. percayalah
Walau di mana dirimu
Hatiku hanya untukmu

Percayalah.. percayalah
Sejauh mana dirimu
Ku ingin kau tahu
You're always in my heart (3x)…

Percayalah.. percayalah
Walau di mana dirimu
Hatiku hanya untukmu
You're always in my heart..

Sejauh mana dirimu
Ku ingin kau tahu
You're always in my heart..

You're always in my heart (2x)

Kau selalu dihatiku..

damn .

This is so me :D


My first love and my worst mistake .

Its been awhile that I'm not longer being with him . Its kinda funny because he's still playing on my head . Did he never tired ? lol idk . Its just I miss him so much . Im stupid right ? Because still thinking about a guy that hurt me a lot . Its just I don't understand why , why I let him enter my heart so deep then he just leave like that . aih enta mls mo bspeaking ,whateverr . wkwk
sy rndu btul tu labu tu . hahaha cba sy buat mcm diary dlu ni brg ,buli ba kn? hahaha
sy tea mau sbut la full name dia sni , haha . kmu knl dia sbagai c om sjala wkwk.
I never felt like this before, he make me felt wonderful :) but lelaki kn mmg la pndai menyimpang .hm
its so many times dia buat sy bgtu but sy ingat sy dpt ubah dia jdi bgus sbab so many people talk about bad stuff about him , sy trust dia . haha my mistakes right ? :') after 2 tahun lebi with him , its hard for me to let him go . kami brek bulan 7 tahun ni , sy ignore dia sbab its for his own good . sy mau dia sedar apa yg dia buat . sy tida benci tu prempuan la whatever wlaupun sy geram sngt but teda la tu istilah kena "rabut boyfriend"klau tu lelaki sndri tida mau2 juga . kan ? haha
after brek sma dia sy rsa sakit hti sngt2 sbab sy rsa kna kasi budu . and sy ada kapel sturang lelaki time tu but sy rsa sy salah sbab sy ingat being with that guy sy dpt kasi lupa c om . its really weird to be with a guy yg ko tda prna suka z . sy bwa brek after that sbab sy tda mau dia rsa sy kasi main dia sbab itu bkn sifat sy . and now bln 11 sda kn , ari tu my friend bwa sy bjanji dpan ayam goreng d kfc wkwk yg sy akan single smpaiii abis spm next year . and sy agree with dia . hahaha . baru2 ni kazen c om ada confess sma sy then at first sy okay2 ja tpi tba2 dia act like mcm yg sy ni gf dia . sepa la tida perasan kn klau bgtu . tpi sy tea brapa peduli sap kazen dia ex sy . kazen dekat lgi dorng tu zz. its hard for me to trust k , i want to be a girl that its hard to get . and kwn c om ada yg suka sy , dia nice sbab dia open haha . im feeling happy to talk to him sap dia paham apa yg sy rsa ,and he makes me forget about c om . 10102010 ? the end suda :') sometimes sy pray untuk dia spya dorng happy sma2 . berla , maybe God wants me to learn a lesson kn . and kwn2 sy bchat d wechat pun ada la juga 2-3 org . smua pun friendly :) itu sja la haha bye.