Wednesday 28 May 2014

May :)

Hi there :)
Its been a while i didnt write anything here .
See that picture there .
Yesterday i make a performance at school . Even though i sick i force myself to come school 
and thanks God because hear my prayer to give me strength to sing at the school hall .
Its pretty good I guess .

Semester 1 : I already get some of my exam paper well i guess its pretty bad .
My maths from A down being C . Maybe it because i didnt join tc Gan tuition last year .
But its okay I will try my best again for the coming exam :)

Holiday: Im going to make some revision and eat , watch movies , dance and etc 
(sorry , too tired to type all of my activities)

Boyfriend: I didnt have time for that I guess . Its pretty sad because among all my best friends seems like
I'm the only one that still single. haha
For me , I don't think so this is the right time being in a relationship.

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