Wednesday 4 June 2014

A single potato .

Hey you  guys :D Today it's been a fun day until I realized that I was the friends that looks like a retarded potato . I don't know why I'm being so emo today . Even the nerd person has a bf . I don't have the rights to laugh at them . Look at me , the nerds is better than me lol .

Am I not that beautiful ? 
Is it because I'm short ?
or my attitude doesn't suit with people ..

Sometimes I really love being single . But also have times that I really hate being single .
Why ?
Because it makes me feel lonely and makes me sad sometimes because I can be like other girls
that can hang out with they bf and spend time together.
Of course I'm still a student . You think student doesn't have rights to say things like this ?
Hey , student also have feelings . I'm not the little girl with a lollipop in her hands anymore .
What do you expect me to do ?
Study ? 
I have done that a lot .
Almost everyday .

By the way , I'm happy I met my bestfriends today . 
That is nicole and gerly .
They are my true friends 

I also missed my mum,dad, little brother lulu and big sister una :)
Family is everything :)

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