Sunday 8 June 2014

Pesta Khabar Gembira last night :D

Hey :)
After few weeks we have dance practice together with the krismawan,krismawati and others pmbimbing we already done our best last night . Hee 
We are having great times together and of course have a lil bit sad case happened .
I cry last saturday .
Because that day I'm too tired . I guess . People keep on teasing me that I'm short . I'm not too short actually but people like to jokes around with me . I'm okay and used to it . But sometimes , their jokes are making me sad , angry and most of all hates myself . The way they talked makes me questioned things that God do to me . I keep asking God why I'm like this not tall like other girls . But I need to get rid of that attitude . Why ? Because I realized I've done bad things by asking things what God has done to my life knowing that He do things because He loves me .

later sy online balik :3
and more photos to go haha

Wednesday 4 June 2014

A single potato .

Hey you  guys :D Today it's been a fun day until I realized that I was the friends that looks like a retarded potato . I don't know why I'm being so emo today . Even the nerd person has a bf . I don't have the rights to laugh at them . Look at me , the nerds is better than me lol .

Am I not that beautiful ? 
Is it because I'm short ?
or my attitude doesn't suit with people ..

Sometimes I really love being single . But also have times that I really hate being single .
Why ?
Because it makes me feel lonely and makes me sad sometimes because I can be like other girls
that can hang out with they bf and spend time together.
Of course I'm still a student . You think student doesn't have rights to say things like this ?
Hey , student also have feelings . I'm not the little girl with a lollipop in her hands anymore .
What do you expect me to do ?
Study ? 
I have done that a lot .
Almost everyday .

By the way , I'm happy I met my bestfriends today . 
That is nicole and gerly .
They are my true friends 

I also missed my mum,dad, little brother lulu and big sister una :)
Family is everything :)

Thursday 29 May 2014

Last time performance at school :)

Im just a simple girl . Thank you for my friends and family that always supporting me
in singing . But with this talent that God has gave me.I will use it wisely to praise Him by singing in choir in choir at sunset mass :)

I want to tell you guys something .
I dont know why I been thinking about calvin this few days .
Maybe last time i have been together with him for a long time .
lol why should i think bout that crap again. 

I've been feeling better since I was single :3
nothing to worry about .
I just need to care about my studies , families and friends and my own problems .

Spm is getting nearer . yay cant wait to finish school :3
of course im gonna missed school but dont mistake by that . I just gonna miss my friends , the 
feeling i get when i performed at stage , the crazy and fun moments at school .
But sorry for the homework , im not going to miss you guys wkwk .
I cant wait to be pretty like my seniors after they finish school
and now im in the process to achieve success in life .

Wednesday 28 May 2014

May :)

Hi there :)
Its been a while i didnt write anything here .
See that picture there .
Yesterday i make a performance at school . Even though i sick i force myself to come school 
and thanks God because hear my prayer to give me strength to sing at the school hall .
Its pretty good I guess .

Semester 1 : I already get some of my exam paper well i guess its pretty bad .
My maths from A down being C . Maybe it because i didnt join tc Gan tuition last year .
But its okay I will try my best again for the coming exam :)

Holiday: Im going to make some revision and eat , watch movies , dance and etc 
(sorry , too tired to type all of my activities)

Boyfriend: I didnt have time for that I guess . Its pretty sad because among all my best friends seems like
I'm the only one that still single. haha
For me , I don't think so this is the right time being in a relationship.

Sunday 4 May 2014

May 2014

hi guys , it's been too long that I didn't update my blog rite . Okay which part we need to start first . urm let's start with family . Everyday is a precious day with them , I love them so much even though sometimes they can be annoying as hell but without them my life is incomplete 
For my makeup lesson , I do it myself . I know some people doesn't like to wear makeup but for me it's something that every girl should try . I'm not trying to say that use those makeup and make your face colouring book . nooo but be mature some people wear makeup to make themselves happy and to release stress . I like makeup especially Ulzzang style . People that know me say my makeup is pretty . I practice it always at home . Because I really like it . End of story . 

Next , I'm going to talk bout my friends. As we getting older we learn which friend is the real one . 
Last time , I had a lot of friends but that doesn't mean that my social life is complete enough .
Since last year , I learned that real friends won't leave .
I had 3 friends last year at school and now we become a bestie . They are pretty and tall etc in other word they are perfect . They are nice to me and always help me when I need their helped . Whatever it was their my good friend . As for my old friends , they also nice to me but sometimes annoyed me very easily and I don't know why .

Now I want to talked bout school . My grades are good . I hope this semester 1 will be greater than Ujian 1 . I never though that my mathematics score would get A . Because last time for me maths just a subject that would make student goes crazy . But I will target a good score for my SPM result .
I know some people outside there trying to beat me in study well good luck . I don't have time for some asshole like you all . Good luck to me in every examinations this year and after finish my studies in form 5 I know what exactly what to for my future life . I won't let other people destroy it . Even though I didn't tall enough but I will make sure my grades will make my family proud and the people that envy with me regret their whole life . You guys said that I couldn't so I will prove you all wrong . 

and now here's my favourite part :D yay I'm getting excited . I liked a guy that same class with me since 2012 . I looked him as a friend until I realized that I loved him . Silly me , he is a chinese guy .Everytime i'm sad he will talked to me . He always there for me . But he didn't know that I loved him , I didn't want him to know it either . It will a an awkward situation for me and him if he finds out . 
I will tell him after we finish our SPM . I realised that I liked him very much since every things that he does seems funny to me and when other girls trying to flirt with him makes me wanna smack that bitch with a slipper . Sometimes I cant  sleep because keep on thinking bout him . You guys guess he had a same feelings like me or it's just me ..
Well , he is my snoppy . It's been a long time I didn't felt this way . Of course I had a boyfriend last time but I didn't felt this way . Unless for one guy that typically hurt me very much long time ago . You guys no need to know bout him , after breaking up with him . I've changed . Until now I realized that I liked my own friends that has been more than 2 year at the same class with me . I hope I can be with him one day as a lover . hehehew , He called me small finger that's pretty cute rite ? haha 

Thursday 6 March 2014

hello bloggers , hehe it's been two month I didn't open this blog haha seems like it's already have a spider web in it haha . btw how are you guyd doing ? :) I've been busy lately and my eyes sometimes has that panda eyes haha . It's for my own good I guess because the examinations is getting closer . adada
I hope I will get a good result for this Ujian I :) and lately I've been learning , as the sabahan say "mekap2" hehew . It's getting better I guess , thank God !
tadaa , how do I look ? haha
I try to do Big Gyaru Eyes and it's ended like this hehehew . well people say "practice makes perfect" right ?

School time :
I guess it's not very bad , sometimes I'm happy to be at school but sometimes my mood ruined by some peoples  with their own bullshit . When things not going right at school , my mood came to a moment that "fck it fck that you all bullshit"
I'm probably a girl that everyone in my class afraid to annoy because once I read my own storybooks and you trying to put some bullshit things around me . I will eat you ! muahahahaha  

I got a lot of friends at school . They are pretty good to me especially Jenny , Shasha and Nural . I got other friends too and they are also nice to me . Even though our conversations sometimes is a sarcastic version haha so if you doesn't know us I hope you will never get hurt by what we are going to say tho haha :)

Boyfriend ? :
Duh , I didn't have one lo . Last week I broke up with him because I didn't ready yet to have any relationship with a guy . Especially for a girl like me that my trust once has been broken by a guy name "C" Its hard for me tho , Well I hate him :) haha and an awesome feelings that I get when I see him in a relationship with a girl that uglier than me . hahahaha . okay stop it . I know it's rude but it's my diary so you can back off and this is my blog so I can write whatever I want . Sometimes I missed him hehehe I couldn't denied it . Well its kinda sad sometimes to think about the past . I hope he is doing fine and his realtionship with that girl will last forever :)

Homework :
Hell yeah , sometimes if I'm getting really tired I saw my homework like a volcano mount . The teachers at school are good and they are so kind . 

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Once I stop caring about you, good luck getting that back.
The Lord is great and should be abundantly praised. His greatness has no limit - Psalm 145:3
Sometimes our plan don't work out because God has bigger plans.

Who else loved this show?

For every dream, God gives us inspiration,
For every hope, God gives us unexpected miracles.
May we feel God's blessings always.

that moment you realize you grew up to be squidward

Fight for what you believe. –Chicken Little
You know my name, not my story. You've heard what I've done, not what I've been through. If you were in my shoes, you'd fall the first step.